Meet your practitioner, healer, and alignment specialist…

Brooke Andrews, LMT

Physical Therapy and Posture Specialist in Bellingham, WA

I’ve been practicing Structural Integration (The method of Dr. Ida Rolf “rolfing”), Cranio-Sacral Biodynamics, and Foundation Training for a long time. But first and foremost I’m a student of alignment. 

My interest in wellness  and of the human body started in my childhood with thoughts of becoming a dentist or a therapist. 

In my very early 20s I learned Therapeutic Touch from a skilled nurse and later taught myself basic massage therapy.

After multiple injuries from sports and knee surgeries it was clear I realized needed to know how to heal my body and keep it in good order.  So I began my full time study of The Rolf Method of Structural integration, Yoga, Physical Therapy and Biodynamic Cranio Sacral therapy and all things that come with it. 

Since then I have been on an epic journey, one that always brings me right back home to my own body-mind-soul. It’s from here, in the depths of my own uniqueness, that I share what I have found to be constantly and reliably helpful, healing and true… The delightful knowing and practice of alignment of the body-mind-soul.

My kitty Butters, the golden prototype of the more than human world.

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